Migrations – Charlotte McConaghy


Franny Stone travels to Greenland to hitch a ride aboard a fishing vessel.  An ornithologist, she hopes to follow a flock of endangered Artic terns on what might be their last migration south.  But, Franny tends to run away from her life, and this journey is no exception.  McConaghy’s writing sways and swells like the ocean Franny travels.  The mood of this novel captures Franny’s isolation and melancholy and is a perfect mood read for the pandemic.  In Franny’s story, as in our own, the world that has been on the brink of  a global warming catastrophe, and neither Franny nor the reader know whether we have reached the turning point from which the Earth cannot recover.  A beautifully executed novel and one of my favorite reads of 2020.

One thought on “Migrations – Charlotte McConaghy

  1. Pingback: Hindsight is 2020: My Favorite Books of 2020 | Well-Read Neck

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